Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day #16 - Love Intercedes - Nicole

I sure have experienced the power of prayer! As I shared with you, Andy's birth mom just passed away on Feb 13. We were across the country in Pennsylvania when we got the news. There was nothing we could do but there was so much to get done. We needed to see how we could afford plane tickets when it's already tough to meet bills, who would watch our children, where would be stay in Idaho, when would we leave, how Andy would still keep business running in Arizona & this would mean a 2nd week of me not being able to work also.

Well, after we wipe away a million tears all we could do was pray. These were too many details for us to meet under such stress. On top of all that we were in PA helping Tim Kimmel with Family Matters @ this Weekend to Remember Conference. We had a big responsibility and we wanted to do a great job for his ministry! So, in our silence, we just prayed and prayed and prayed. God, we are helpless! We are away from what we know and where we can get help. All we have is you!! You are all we need and here are our needs. We need you, we love you and we know that you work all things together for good, so will you take care of our details? Will you carry us through God, this is way to big for us!

Here is how God pulled it all together in just 3 days! We were given a gift of plane tickets, Our children went with friends and our parents, We were on a plane the day after we came home from PA to Idaho. We were invited to stay with Andy's cousin Jim & Jill in Idaho and they also drove us around for those 4 days we were there. The funeral as beautiful and Andy & I were able to be with, love and serve his family in Idaho for those 4 short days! The pastor even gave the message of salvation during the funeral, it was just awesome! One of the greatest things also is that at the marriage conference, marriage were restored, rekindled, learned to pray, learned to put God first, learned to fight fair and learned how to respect one another. There were so many people who gave their life to Christ, people who recommitted their life to Christ and those who are choosing to allow the Holy Spirit to work and not them anymore!

So, our God is so big! He can cover the details in life if we give them to him! Walking in faith is a hard thing to do but it was the biggest gift we could have received at that time! It is an honor to pray for Andyduring this time, this is hard and I can't fix it but through daily prayer, God will do for him what I cant!

To God be the glory, even in the sudden loss of Andy's birth mom Kristy! This is a song that I sent her thanking her for giving Andy such a gift, life! If your life is touched by adoption, I am sure you will love this like us. It means even more today that ever!!


robarn08 said...


I have been reading the different blogs to help me through the 40 day Dare. I came across your wording of "if your life has been touched by adoption", and mine has although different circumstances then your husband.

My wife and I brought home a beautiful baby girl from Guatemala in 2003. Although I never met the birth mother, I have made a promise to love, raise, protect and cherish the life that she has trusted me to raise. This commitment to her is the same as the one I have given my wife and family and it is one of the reasons why I am performing the Dare to change me and get my life back on track and Honor God and my wife and family. It is what I should of been doing all along instead of acting selfishly and being self centered.

Thank you for sharing this video for me as once again it reminded me of my responsibilty to my wife and daughter and they should be cherished. They are indeed a blessing and gift from God. Life brings forth tough decisions and following God's plan sure makes things easier.

Unknown said...

I am so happy that you have been blessed by adoption! The video speaks volumes also how we are adopted into the family of God I think!!! As we are denying out self it is painful (just as the birth mom goes through the pain of "giving up" her child) but to see the Joy on the adoptive parents faces and that is how Jesus looks when we are adopted by him!!!

Enjoy your baby girl!!
In Him~